American Yoshinkan Aiki Jujutsu is a neo-classical martial arts system derived from Daito Ryu and Yoshinkan Aikido. Stemming from the teachings of Hasaka Yutashi, our system was designed to preserve the combative integrity of Japanese warrior arts while innovating the training methods to be applicable for modern self defense and survival. American Yoshinkan is a comprehensive martial system comprising the study of:
What Others Say:
"I have attempted to learn real Aiki for a very long time. I know it when I see it. I rarely ever see it. I’ve seen it demonstrated in videos from this teacher. I’m impressed. It’s not easy to be able to do it even just a little bit. He’s definitely put in some serious work."
--Rob Liberti, Hidou Hamon Ryu |
"Nice work, impressive skills. I see, in my humble opinion, you know your elements and mechanics... Clearly, you have good solid waza, in my humble opinion, that is done cleanly and precise. Your ageaiki shows you know how the waza works with aiki."
--John Persson, Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Kodokai |
"It's rare that I see anyone claiming aikijujutsu that I like. You trained with some good folks."
"I think your stuff is great. I dont say that to many people. You got a shot at some real skill." --Eric Pearson, Matsuda-Den Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu |
"Angier sensei was my teacher... You articulate aiki similar to him."
"Your Jujutsu is incredibly refined." "I can see how you're pissing off the aiki community... Great video. Simple explanation." --Aaron Raynor, Shidare Yanagi Ryu Aiki Bugei |
"I had the pleasure of meeting Kyoshi Bret Gordon and watching him teach. I have met many people who say they understand 'Aiki' and have been sorely disappointed. Not this time. I was very happy to see someone who actually knows what they are talking about."
--Gottfried Roser, Hapkiyoosool |
"You are high skillful! Your technique is similar with our high technique that don't permit open by my federation. but your stance is a little different from us. I think the root of you and us is same."
--Hoon Shin, Yong Sul Kwan Hapkiyusul |
"Sensei Bret Gordon has some highly refined and subtle skills. The work he is doing teaching and sharing his work is a real benefit to the future of the martial arts. The level of study required to accomplish the subtle skills he demonstrates in inspiring!"
--Neil Ripski, Ma Family Zuiquan
--Neil Ripski, Ma Family Zuiquan
Hombu DojoOur World Headquarters is conveniently located in Central Florida, making it easily accessible for students and visitors. Please contact the hombu dojo before making travel arrangements for availability.
Trio Martial Arts Academy 25 W. Silver Star Road Ocoee, FL 34761 352-988-9760 |
The shomen 正面 of our hombu dojo. In traditional dojo, the shomen is the "true face" of the school and is considered somewhat sacred. The contents of the shomen vary by dojo and are highly symbolic. Our shomen features a torii gate, a symbol of the journey towards enlightenment, surrounded by two scrolls listing the arts taught in the dojo: American Yoshinkan Aiki Jujutsu and Gordon sensei's personal art of San Budo Sogo Bugei.
On the shelf at the base of the torii gate is a Daisho (sword and dagger pair) with hilts pointing to the right, signifying we are always ready to defend our home. Plants are also a common feature, bringing life back into the school when all too regularly we practice the arts of death. The sake set is there to remind us to savor the moment and enjoy the little things in life.
On the shelf at the base of the torii gate is a Daisho (sword and dagger pair) with hilts pointing to the right, signifying we are always ready to defend our home. Plants are also a common feature, bringing life back into the school when all too regularly we practice the arts of death. The sake set is there to remind us to savor the moment and enjoy the little things in life.