Author: Bret Gordon ![]() When you're looking at traditional martial arts practice, many people offer the criticism that what is being practiced would never work "in the street." As a karateka and aikijujutsuka, I get this two-fold. It's fine, many people don't understand the intricacies and applications of Karatedo kata, so how can I expect them to understand the advanced biomechanics of aiki? However, more often than not, saying something isn't practical only shows your ignorance of what is being displayed. Not everything is as it seems, nor are they always meant to be taken at face value. Now, I will clarify that there are certain things going on the martial arts that are just asinine. In no way am I going to even try to justify the "no touch knockout" groupies or the chi frauds that seem to be popping up all over the internet. To understand what separates true internal martial arts from chi frauds, click here. What I will do, or at least attempt to, is demonstrate to you the viability of certain drills and their practical application. If all you're looking for is the next big secret to cage fighting however, or the quickest way to be a deadly commando, this article isn't for you.
October 2024
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